The best way to protect your website investment

Don’t have time for ongoing website maintenance and updates? No problem.

Leverage YOUR website

Maintain a strong and reliable online presence

Once your website is designed and launched, I offer two types of ongoing services to keep your WordPress platform updated and secure. 

No need to worry, I've got your back

Code and theme updates?
Plugin compatibility? Vulnerability to brute force attacks?

You don’t have to know what these mean because I’ll take care of it for you. 

Stay on-brand and up-to-date

Sustain a consistent, professional brand with me as a partner to manage website updates.

I'm here as your website consultant and resource for best practices.

wordpress WEBSITE

Ongoing Services

Learn more about ongoing services.
Contact me with any questions.

My WordPress Website Care Plan provides peace of mind by taking care of monitoring and tasks on a regular basis.  

This service helps keep your investment healthy, secure and running optimally with everything handled by a trained and experienced professional you can trust.

Technical support is also included.  

This service offers a block of project support hours you purchase and then can use for website updates, enhancements, consultation, or systems integration.

Examples: updating content, adding functionality, consultation meetings.  

Minimum block is 6 hours.

When you haven’t kept regular care and updates, get an evaluation (tune-up optional!). 

Contact me for details.